
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ramen Research - Home ec


Should woman be allowed to wear a Niqāb or a face veil, to civic ceremonies.

 WTE SENTENCES -- L.O We are learning to express our views on a topical issue.

#5 The Adverb Start -         Unexpectedly, 29% out of 54,679 voters votes no to women wearing a Niqāb                                                 or a  face veil while 71% votes yes. 

#11 The W-Start Sentence - While 29% disagree, I personally believe that woman should be allowed to                                                      wear Niqāb or a face veil to civic ceremonies because they should be able to                                                    be proud of their culture or religion.

#1 The Simple Sentence -    By voting no is basically discrimination against other cultures or religions. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Steps to budget.

This period, our class was told to pick from either a flowchart or a prezi, I chose a prezi because I know the information needed to be on there 

What went well? It was easy to find the information I needed
What did not went well? At the start I didn't really know how a flowchart works
What could be done differently? I couldve added more information to it
Have you ever made a budgeting plan?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Creating a class treaty - Social studies

In our class there are approximately 20 people engaged in to making a class treaty. 

The class treaty includes a: preamble, first article, second article, third article. Our class have already completed the preamble on the 30th of October. During the making of the preamble a lot of arguments were formed just so that our entire class could agree on a statement that fits for both students and teachers. Because of all the arguments, it started to get a bit heated up. Some students really stayed true to their opinions to the point where they got a bit offended of other opinions in which they did not agree with and so arguments turned into personal insults. Who knew it was so hard to write up a treaty so everyone comes to an agreement. 


Monday, November 2, 2020

Impulse buying - business

In bushiness class, our teacher has given 
us task about impulse buying. 
made brochure about impulse buying with 
site called vengage as it is easy to use. 
The data wasn't difficult to get, 
because we've learned about this before. 
Do you impulse 
buy? I
so, how many days week 
and what items do you impulse buy?