
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

P.E week 6

For week 6 we have been learning to improve our volleyball skills. We did this by practising our serves, digs as well as set. For most of the time we got ourselves in to a group of four and played rotated mini games. I personally think that I am on level 3 because I stayed on task, contributed with others and I set a goal to get my sets right.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Financial literacy NUMBER

The past couple of weeks 10WD has been learning about financial literacy more specifacally 'Money Matters'. One of many that I have learnt is conversion of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Percentage    Fractions        Fractions    Percentage
     48%      >   12/25             2/10       >     20%

Unpacking ideas and themes - Hunger Games

What is District 12 like?
District 12 has a sinister and dirty look. It is a district that is fulled with poor people that dresses raggedy as well as bland compared to the Capitol. There was poverty and famine going on there. Editors added an eerie background sound to make the viewer feel uncomfortable

What is the Capitol like?
The capitol is sleek and modern with new technology. The people who inhabit that district dresses exotic with many colours because many of them are part of the rich society . The editors added a soft and urban background sound.

How did District 12 get extra food?
Most would usually shoot to kill and sell it or eat it, while the others would put themselves in the draw to the hunger games.

Why did Katniss used the bow? 
She used the bow because she is most familiar with it.

What does tribute mean? 
An act to show gratitude.

Reaping soon?
Before the chosen was selected, Effie Trinket (the woman from the capitol) said a few words "may the odds be ever in your favour"meaning she hopes the best for whoever gets chosen. As a Primrose was about to get selected to fight in the annual hunger games, many camera shots were shown. From close-ups to establishment shot. As primrose walked towards the stage, many eyes were focused on her in shock.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Visual Dictionary - Film Study

Learning outcome: Define the language of film using camera techniques
Success Critera: Identify types of sound and visual techniques 

Following questions:
1) What am I learning? To identify types of sound and visual techniques.
2) How does this work show my learning? I defines the camera techniques in my own words to                                                                                  understand them better
3) What am I wondering as a result of this learning? How did they come up with the names for                                                                                                 these techniques

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Nan's Churros - Marketday plan

( Excuse the water mark below on the right hehe)

The product the Trisha, Genica and I will be making for Market day are Churros! Our churro company is called "Nan's Churros" and it is a asian owned company as well as a traditional Mexican style churros that will be priced as $2.00. Our 'company' will include 2 sauces: Chocolate and caramel. Our team created a form that 41 people from our school have filed out we used there input/feedback to improve this plan.
We decided to go on with this plan since Churros have been a trendy food for the past couple of months not only that but it is also yummy and filling. Crispy on the outside and soft and moist in the inside.

For Health and safety reasons we will be wearing gloves while in the making of our product to insure that the customers get the best.
Pics (not ours btw):

Language of film dictionary - Film study

Learning outcome: Define the Language of Film using Visual & Sound Techniques.
Success criteria: Identify types of sound and visual techniques.

Body Language - A way of showing somebody's emotion through body language.
Costumes - Clothing specifically made for the roles the actors are playing as.
Hairstyles - A creative looking hair the symbolises the actors role.
Make-up - Cosmetics used to enhance the actors natural beauty or used to change the way the actor looks.

Lighting - To match the setting to its scene using brightness.
Props - Items specifically made for the role
Settings - Where / when a part takes place
Dialogue - A script that fits the topic/title of the film.

Sound effects - Sounds that are put into a film to make it more interesting.
Music - Can help to show emotions to sound and/or to make the film interesting
Silence - Used to elevate the suspense
Symbols - When you imbue a meaning in to a object
Special FX - An illusion to furthermore make a film interesting

Following Questions
 1) What am i learning?  To define the language of Film using Visual & Sound Techniques
 2) How does this show my learning? By adding the meaning in my own words and understanding them.
 3) What am I wondering as a result as of this learning? Nothing. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Social media addiction

Jam drop bisuits

What is the link to our unit (Culture) in regards to the British settlers?
The link towards our unit in regards to the British is the fact that we were later affected by what they brought over to us. For example, New Zealand wouldn't have Pavalovas or Fish and Chips if it wasn't for other countries sharing their foods and recipes.

What ingredients that you used today did the settlers not have and why might that be?
An Ingredient we used that not might've been used back in the day would be Jam, as jam might've been hard to find and would be something that only royalty used.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020