
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Language of film dictionary - Film study

Learning outcome: Define the Language of Film using Visual & Sound Techniques.
Success criteria: Identify types of sound and visual techniques.

Body Language - A way of showing somebody's emotion through body language.
Costumes - Clothing specifically made for the roles the actors are playing as.
Hairstyles - A creative looking hair the symbolises the actors role.
Make-up - Cosmetics used to enhance the actors natural beauty or used to change the way the actor looks.

Lighting - To match the setting to its scene using brightness.
Props - Items specifically made for the role
Settings - Where / when a part takes place
Dialogue - A script that fits the topic/title of the film.

Sound effects - Sounds that are put into a film to make it more interesting.
Music - Can help to show emotions to sound and/or to make the film interesting
Silence - Used to elevate the suspense
Symbols - When you imbue a meaning in to a object
Special FX - An illusion to furthermore make a film interesting

Following Questions
 1) What am i learning?  To define the language of Film using Visual & Sound Techniques
 2) How does this show my learning? By adding the meaning in my own words and understanding them.
 3) What am I wondering as a result as of this learning? Nothing. 

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