
Friday, February 26, 2021

Lack of sleep - Wananga

 Date: 26/02/21

Text title: Lack of sleep is bad for your health

Text type: Infographic

Text creator: unknown

Text purpose: To give an idea of what to choose as our health classes SMART goal 

This infographic shows how teens could be affected by the lack of sleep most teens get nowadays. Us teens need about 9 hours of sleep to function properly everyday cause if you don't you start to develop sleeping disorders like (as shown on the infographic): sleep deprivation, inadequate sleep hygiene, and circadian rhythm disorder. Sleep is important because it can improve your cognitive function (the way you think), it can lighten your mood, and of course, keeps your Wa Hauora healthy as it should. This infographic even shows tips on how to get better sleep which is very useful to those who need it. 

Critical literacy question: 

1) Who benefits from this text? The readers benefit from this text because it can help people to sleep better for the sake of their health and well-being. It does this by showing tips on how to improve your sleep schedule and it even shows how it affects your health. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

SMART GOAL - reflection wananga

SMART presentation

Date: Feb 19 2021

Title: How to write a SMART goal 

Text Type: Informative 

Creator: Mrs Tafau 

Purpose: To teach the readers how to write a SMART goal and why we should use a smart goal. 

Critical literacy questions:

1) Who would be most likely to read this and why? Mrs Tafau year 11 health class would have to read this because it will help us to work towards our health exams. 

2) What is the text about? How do we know this? This informative text teaches us how to write a SMART goal. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time. This text will be useful towards the exams as well as our daily life. 

The film Treaty Of Waitangi: What really happened

The film Directed by Peter Burger 'The Treaty Of Waitangi: What really happened" is about the signing of one of our founding documents. It is a dramatic film that shows events/days leading up to as well as the treaty soon to be formed. The audience knows this because the events filmed are based off history. For example the chiefs were arguing for the treaty to be eventually signed. 

WTE - English

The simple sentence: 

Simple sentences begin with the subject of the sentence (e.g he,she,it, they , i, someones name, place)

Example: Hornby High school was founded in 1975 

The very short sentence: 

The very short sentence is one of the most powerful sentence styles ever made. It immediately grabs your attention. 

Example: Life is short  

The power sentence: 

If you waffle, a bit, try the power sentence. Beginning your paragraph with a power sentence of 12 words of fewer. Get straight to the point 

Example: The day was rainy and damp unlike yesterday 

The red, white and blue:

Use the red, white and blue sentence style when you have several ideas to convey a topic

Example: Johanna has black hair, glasses and a scarf

The adverb start:

Start a sentence with an adverb, as it adds interest and intrigue. Remember the rule: when you start your sentence with an adverb, place a comma after the adverb then write the rest of the sentence.

Example: Finally, this period is almost over 

Begin with a preposition:

Try starting your sentence with a preposition. Prepositions are little words indicating movement or position. 

Example: In New Zealand there are many sheep's  

The -ING start:

Try starting a sentence with the -ing form of a verb. The rule: when you have finished your -ing phrase, place a comma, then write the rest of the sentence.

Example: Analysing the information given to me 

The -ED start:

Try starting a sentence with the —ed form of the verb. It makes for a punchy opening to the sentence.

Example: leashed, the sheep sat quietly on the hills

The semi-colon:

When you have two independent clauses (two mini-sentences) joined by a conjunction (e.g. and, but), you can remove the conjunction and replace it with a semi-colon.

Example: Reige likes maths; Johanna does not.

The Em-dash:

The em-dash in English is the long dash. Use the long dash to drop a phrase in a sentence that is at complete odds with the flow of the sentence—way out there—but which adds colour and interest.

Example: Lasagne—a delicious meal—originated in Italy.

The W-start sentence :

Try beginning a sentence with a W-word. Here are some: who, while, when, where, 

what, whereas. The W-start makes writing sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.

Example: With this information; I can further understand the issue.

Explore the subject:

Accomplished writers use this sentence style. The rule: begin your sentence with the subject then place a comma. Say something interesting about the subject. Place another comma. Then, finish your sentence.

Example: The treaty of Waitangi, an agreement between the British Settlers and the Māori people, was aimed to to protect the indigenous rights of New Zealand. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

The Treaty Of Waitangi Summarisation

Date: 12/02/21

Text title:  The Treaty Of Waitangi - What really happened 

Text type: Dramatic Film 

Text Creator: Peter Burger 

Test Purpose: To show the process during the signage of the treaty 

Main Points to the film: 

1) The crown is in process of writing the treaty 

2) The Māori was concerned for their native rights and that is why a lot of conflict was going around during the discussion of the treaty.  

3) The Māori chiefs signed the treaty

4) Tobacco and blankets were offered to the Māori's as a reward for signing the treaty