
Monday, March 23, 2020


Do you like Korfball? Yes, I like it very much because its fun.

Do you think you played well with your teammates? Yes, I worked well because we all contributed and played by the rules.

is there anything we could do better? Get a better referee who pays attention to the game and call out when needed.

Friday, March 20, 2020


When? Early in the morning 
Where? In the Amazon Forest
Who? Hippo, David
How? Camping 
What? David is getting chased by the hippo. 
Why? The hippo smelt food

As David woke up somewhere around the Amazon forest,
he heard a loud grunt outside his tent. He sees a shadow creeping up towards him and
BOOM the hippo crashes the tent just like so. Once the hippo found out he had food he
went ballistic and stomped on his tent smashing and trampling on all of his belongings
leaving very little of his valuables left. David ran out as fast as he could before the hippo
could possibly injure him, but instead the hippo’s reflexes were fast and nipped on his
clothes off of David including his undergarments. The hippo quickly tried to catch up,
David sidesteps the monstrous beast leading the herbivore to smash into a tree
and end up getting concussed badly.But that did not stop the beast as he still chased
after him. All of a sudden David trips over a large rock falling right beside a
Brazilian wandering spider, he is shocked as the spider penetrates his fang into his
flesh he quickly rushes to his car to get inside the trunk without realising in the situation
he is left there to rot and die alone.

By: Genica, Desharn and Johanna

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


As I walked towards the cafe I saw a young male playing a guitar. He started playing songs that many people liked. A group of people started to form a crowd around the guitarist. Overpowered by my hunger, I went inside the cafe and started to order. My stomach started to bulge with hunger and filling my mind to order a croissant. A croissant with coffee was ordered. I sat on a table that was next to the window. While I was eating, a sudden horn interrupted my meal. A speeding car was going towards the cafe. I was panicking but suddenly another person drove their car in front of the cafe and protected many people.


TIMELINE: Ancient greece 
- what was housing and food like?
Most houses were two story, Orange like rigid roof, off white walls and a little 
outdoor area. 
For breakfast they would have bread (made from barley) dipped in wine or some would
have tiganites which resembles a pancake usually topped with cheese and/or milk. For
lunch the Greeks would dine on light foods because for them, lunch was more like a
midday snack. Light foods would be figs, salted fish, cheese, olives and more bread ,
For dinner men and women would eat separately.
They would eat basically the same as lunch but with a bigger portion.

- what did a family look like?
Men had to live in military barracks until they turned 30, so it is very rare for them to
see their wifes or children. For most places, wherever men went women were not
allowed to go to. The woman were in charge of the home. 

- what was sanitation like?
 The Greeks were often very clean but most did not own private water supply,
only the wealthiest did.Because there was no proper sewage system, their water
mainly came from public fountains and wells. They would wash themselves with large
pots, used sponges, olive oil as soap and then would rinse with the pot of water.

- what were clothes like?
Clothes would be very white. The main colour is white and gold.


Through this long process I searched through google and tried to find sites that were relevant to my topic so I am able to answer the questions that I made. I then took notes so that its easier to put all the information into my poster. 

Monday, March 16, 2020


Sam Morgan
Where did Sam Morgan’s interest in buying and selling come from?

When he wanted to buy a second hand heater for his draughty apartment. He searched through the internet to check if anyone wanted to sell him a heater, but found no options on any New Zealand websites. He decided to create trade me when he came to realisation that no one wanted to sell heaters at an affordable and reasonable price.

Describe the early days of Trade Me.In the beginning, Trade me wasn't very successful as it only had 5,000 people customers and 200,000 people viewingA way to make it more successful is that he would need to create ads, but Sam didn't have enough money to do soHe even tried to sell the website on eBay for the price of 1 mill, but later on it was taken off since no bids were placed. After a while he then sold almost half the company to several former Deloitte colleagues for $75,000. Luckily he was then able to quit his job and then work full time on his website. 

How did Sam Morgan turn Trade Me into a multi-million dollar enterprise?With a bit of perseverance, he was able to turn Trade me in to a multi-million businessHe was constantly resistant especially in time where his business wasn't doing to well. At the start he thought that he wasn’t going to do well but after he sold part of his company he did much better as he was able to put all of his time and effort into his business. 

Peter Jackson
Describe Peter Jackson’s early films.They were mostly short films that included his friends. It were simple and of course it weren’t the best quality. He always had a hobby for producing movies, he was very interested in the feeling of creating them

Jackson is described as “one of the most powerful directors in 
Hollywood”. What does that mean?
Peter Jackson is called “one the most powerful directors in Hollywood” because of his effect on the community around the world. He is able to inspire people through his work that most people can relate/understand. He can get his message across, while also making a good movie the several people can enjoy.

Make a list of films that Peter Jackson has been involved in.
The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring 

The Lord Of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of The Rings: The Return Of The King 
The Hobbit Trilogy 
King Kong 
Brain dead 
Bad Taste
The Lovely Bones 
They Shall Not Grow Old 
Heavenly Creatures 
Mortal Engines
The Frighteners 
Meet the Feebles
The Adventures of Tintin 
District 9 
Forgotten Silver.

Why do you think he has been successful?
He became successful because of how he directs his movies. He directs his movies in a way that interests a lot of different people into his work. I personally haven’t watched any Peter Jackson movies because they don’t interest me, but they interest a lot of people around the world. I also think he has been successful because he made his work known, if he never went to the Cannes Film Festival he probably wouldn’t be famous or known for his works.

How does Peter Jackson benefit New Zealand?
Peter Jackson benefits New Zealand by making our country recognised around the world. He also benefits our country by filming some movies that have become famous in New Zealand so New Zealand has become a bigger tourist attraction for that reason.


Top left corner: To the north west I can see dry busy lands, top of a mountain peaking and the cold frosty clouds in the sky.
Top right corner: The snowy mountain with dry plants and a patch of sunlight beaming down to the ground.
Bottom left corner: Different shades of grey concrete covered in frost with tire marks laying.
Centre: A long frosted road, leading towards the mountains in a wavy way with dry land and bush beside it. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020



1st Word: Mamba 
Meaning: Poisonous tree snake in South Africa 

2nd Word: Redcurrant
Meaning: Small edible red berry grown on a bush

3rd Word: Dwindle
Meaning: Becomes smaller or less 

4th Word: Transmogrify
Meaning: Transformers in a magical or surprising way


As I walked through the wild bushes in South Africa,
I spotted a black mamba eating redcurrants. Something surprising caught my eye, the
mamba dwindled and slowly transmogrified into a creature.


Article: Washoe Valley (Nevada)
Date: 10.03.20

In the United States, there is a geographical region that covers 66 sq meters called
Washsoe Valley. The valley is located in the southern part of Washsoe County, Nevada.
It is located between Reno and Carson city and it is named after the Washoe people,
Native Americans who lived there before the Europeans arrived. 


From 1857-1957, Theodore Winters and Neva Winters Sauer (his daughter) owned
and operated a 4,000 acre cattle farm.

Monday, March 9, 2020


For athletics day I decided to do do social. The sports that we did is: Sprints, Discuss and long jump.
What I liked about this day was discuss because its easy and quick. Something that could be improved is adding more sports like shot put and high jump considering that wen only did three. I personally think I did best at discuss mainly because I actually tried. Something that i could improve on is long jump, im not very confident but I can get pretty far.

Pre test Results
Post Test Result
  1. 70m sprint
  1. 100m sprint
  1. Long Jump
  1. Triple Jump
  1. High Jump
  1. Shot Put
  1. Discus
24m 40 cm 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020



SIMILE - A phrase that includes the words as or like. 

METAPHOR - To compare two things that are not alike yet, have something in common.

IDIOM - A Phrase that doesn't mean its actual meaning

ALLITERATION -  A tongue twister

HYPERBOLE - A dramatic expression for emphasis or humour

PERSONIFICATION - When you give and object or an animal qualities that only a Human is able to do.

ONOMATOPOEIA - A word that describes a sound

ASSONANCE - Repeating a vowel sound in a phrase/sentence

CONSONANCE -  Repetition of the same constant/Constance 

Loss of Human Rights - Iqbal Masih

Lawyer paragraph
Iqbal lost his human rights at the age of four when he was in bonded labour. 
His social environment changed negatively when he was no longer with his family.
He couldn't attend school or celebrate special events. At the age of four, Iqbal's father
was no longer able to support his family and so his only choice was to sell Iqbal
into bonded labour. When Iqbal was four, he was already working with only one
break for lunch. This caused him to have a lot of stress at a very young age as
he was mentally and physically abused. His right to education was also sadly
taken away. When Iqbal was already able to pay off the debt he should've been able to
be released, but unfortunately he got played and he was never released.
This is one of many examples on how Iqbal lost
his human rights and changed his life forever.
Economic gain 
Hussain Khan's labourers are mostly younger people or children, because one, they are
easy to maintain, they don't need big portions of food making it cheaper as khans food
products would lessen and they are less mentally strong than adults that basically means
they won't make a big fuss about it but instead they will easily be manipulated into
getting the job done. Khan has many ways to make his economy better.