
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Alleged serial rapist accused of crimes against 12 women in Auckland and Christchurch - Reflection section

Text title: Alleged serial rapist accused of crimes against 12 women in Auckland and Christchurch

Text type: Article 

Text source:

Text Creator: Sam Sherwood and Marine Lourens

Text purpose: To inform people to be safe around both areas and to keep a look out. 

John Hope Muchirahondo is an alleged serial rapist who is accused of 12 sexual crimes against women in both Christchurch and Auckland. 

Muchirahondo is a 35 year old man  who has lived in Auckland and Christchrch. He is a well known footballed in both cities. He is currently facing five counts of sexual violation. His alleged offending occured in mainly Christchurch and the rest are commited in Auckland. Muchirahondo's lawyer applied for him to be released on electronically-monitored bail, however it was declinded by the Justice. 
There has been a trial date set for august next year. Until now women in Christchurch and Auckland should keep a look out for people like him and to stay safe. 

Crititcal Literacy question:
Who benefits from this text? Women living in Christchurch or Auckland because tht his Muchirahondo's main targets. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Types of reaction: Exchange reaction

Text title: Tyoes of reactions: Exhange reaction 

Text type: Article

Text source: Miss Abernathy´s chemistry site 

Text Creator: Miss Abernathy 

Text purpose: To inform students types of reactions, specifically Exchange reaction. 

An exchange reaction is when two metal ions swap salts. 
The general equation is AB + CD > AD + CB
Solubility: Is something is soluble, it dissociates and dissolve. If something is insoluble it dissosciates and dissolves. 
Precipitate also knows as solid happens if one of the salts is insoluble. A solid is made from two liquids. 
Solubility rules:
1) All nitrates are soluble
2) All sodium and potassium compounds are soluble
3) All chlorides are soluble except silver and lead
4) All sulfates are soluble except barium, lead and calcium
5) All carbonates are insoluble except sodium and potassium
6) All hydroxides are insoluble except sodium and potassium
You can write it as: Two products were made are...
                                AD is soluble, CB is insoluble according to ___rule in the solubility rules
Mixing solutions example: 
Lead nitrate and potassium iodide

Word Equation - Lead nitrate + Potassium Iodide → Lead Iodide + Potassium nitrate

Symbol Equation - PbNO3 + KI → PbI + KNO3

Observations - State colour? Colour changes? Mass changes? 

Explanation - Rule #1

Critical literacy question

Who is the intended audience? Level 1 students taking up a chem external and internal because it is on a science teachers ¨external¨ website.