
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Persuasive Writing: Research Activity

 Persuasive Writing: Research Activity

During class we've been recently learning how to evaluate text by looking at currency, usefulness, credibility. This particular research activity was that we had to conduct a research on our 3 chosen topics. 

Text title, author & link

Text summary

In your own words, write what the text was about


Was this text useful to you? Why or why not?


Was this text credible? Why or why not?


Did this text have currency? Why or why not?

1. Pros and cons of the death penalty 

Author:Joe Messerli/

Balanced politics

This website contains relevant information about the death penalty and why it should be legal a cross the world. It offers a point on why it should and shouldn't be legal. 

Although this text is American based, it offers some information that relates to NZ. It was useful in a way that it offered me several points from both sides. This helped because it helped me figure out what side i'm on 

I personally think that this specific website used is indeed credible. It shows who wrote it as well as an area for readers to write in if any material used is inaccurate. As written in the box before it shows both sides. 

There is an area which would have showed the last updated time but nothing is written there, therefore it is not currency 

2. Gay marriage pros and cons

Author: Unknown/

This website contains a substantial amount of information relating to the topic (Gay Marriage). This text have two sides of the topic: the pros and cons

This website is also American based but it does provide content that relates to issues in NZ. Because this text has information of two sides it helps me understand why an individual support or not support gay marriage. 

This website is somewhat credible because it does not show the exact person who wrote the text but it does provide an area for readers to comment their personal opinion whether they support or not. I do not recognise this website at all. 

Because it shows when the text was last updated, it shows currency. 

Updated at 07/10/19 or 10/07/19 

3. Should teachers be allied to carry guns at school

Author: Lauren Farrar.  

This website contains a substantial amount of information relating to the topic (Armed Teachers). This text have two sides of the topic: the pros and cons.

It shows the main arguments on both sides and additionally an introduction as well as sources used 

Another American based website that relates to NZ domestic policy issues. Because this text has some information about two sides.

This text is credible because it shows the author of the text but it is a little clear that the author does not support armed teachers as there is more information whereas the cons information is lacking a bit. I do not recognise this website or author. 

This text somewhat has currency as it shows when it was written but it does not show when it was last updated.

Written: Nov 7 2019 

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