
Friday, May 28, 2021

Punnet Squares - Reflection section

 Date: 28/5/21

Text title Genotypes and phenotypes 

Text type: Article 

Text source: Scipad 

Text purpose: Readers to understand what genotype and phenotype is. 

From reading this article we understan that a phenotype is observible traits/characteristic of an organism. It is a result of the interaction between its genes and enviornment. For example, eye colour is observable so its part of your phenotype. A genotype is a combination of alleles/genes that an rganism carries. The phenotype of an organsims is an expression of ones genes/alleles. Each gene that you inherit come from your mom and dad. If one allele is dominant over the other it will be expressed through the phenotype. A recessive allele will only be expressed if there is no dominant alleles present. Dominant is shown with a capital letter while recessive is shown with a lower-case letter. 

Critical literacy question:

Why am I reading this? This will help me to further understand the genotype and phenotype as it will be of great use to pass one of my ncea externals and internals. 

1 comment:

  1. Salutations Johanna! I really enjoyed reading the summary of your reflection section about how phenotypes are the observative characteristic of an organism and how environtment can vary them. After readinging, I learnt a little bit more about alleles thanks to you! This reminded me of my science test I did last week. It was similar to this but it was mostly about genotypes. Next time, you should check your spellingg since the first sentence of your summary has an spelling error. Also, can you please add more to your critical thinking. FOr example, when will the exams be? Overall, this is a good reflection upon your work. Great job!

    - Reige


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